Monday, 3 October 2011

SA-DA-KO and MychoTV Update

This week saw us finally get back on top of the Sa-Da-Ko shoot after a whole bunch of weather, Riot and other issues with the shoot. We managed to pull the whole thing together in, what feels definitely, like our most Impressive shoot to date.

You can check some stills out from the shoot below.

Our Web channel concluded our big ninja fighting story line this month and if you’ve seen it… then you’ll know that we used the episode to set up something much greater and far bigger than we ever imagined when we started the show.

A lot will be changing in the Mycho TV show in the next few weeks and so we’ve taken some time out to make the show… Bigger… Better and much more Awesome than you could ever imagine.

Until next time


Tuesday, 6 September 2011

MychoTV September Preview

Not much to report this week, everyone is taking a little holiday for a couple of weeks so we can push right through till Christmas. Although we’re all working while we’re on the break. Be it editing or Special effects wise.

So I figured I’d drop you some teaser pics from the biggest MychoTV video yet… It’ll be landing at the end of the month and then we have some extremely exciting things for you coming this Halloween, But, more on that later. Meanwhile you can check out some stills from our Ninja story arch finale below…

We’re also working on something very special that we can’t talk about right now, but all will become clear very soon. Stay tuned… the rest of the year is gonna be a HELL of a ride ;)


Friday, 2 September 2011

Mycho TV Preview & Last Breath Release

Our exclusive Web Show continues this week with a brand new Episode this week as we introduce the theory of invisible Ninjas. The web show started as a very small idea that we wanted to use to put the fun back into our filmmaking. As usual though, it is quickly becoming something that has gotten very much out of control creatively. We have something quite special heading toward you guys for the rest of the year.

But we can’t really say much now, what we can say is that this week we shot the biggest episode we’ve done to date with a record number of ninja extras on set. It was a tiring day but eventually we got everything we needed and you guys are in for something very special coming at the end of the month.
Check out some teaser stills below

They'll be some more next week :)

This week also sees the release of the video we shot for Joe Public and Si Smith’s track ‘Last Breath’. You can check it out below.

We have lots more stuff heading your way for the rest of this year, it all going to be very exciting so make sure you stick around and get ready for a HUGE announcement from MychoTV.


Monday, 22 August 2011

Better Left Alone | Mycho TV

Another crazy week at Mycho… Mainly because we spent the weekend shooting with our friends, ‘Better Left Alone’, for their song ‘Move Forward’. On the hottest day I think we’ve had this year we shot their performance inside a living room that was boiling hot. But what a great experience it was. Check the still below.

Check out the band HERE

This week also saw the beginning of something that we’ve been working on for the last few months, our brand new web shows that delves into the live of us here at Mycho Pictures (Sort of). The web show was created to basically put the fun back into our filmmaking and August 15th saw the launch of the first Episode, which is an introduction to the world we live in. Which is still shockingly close to the world we actually live in.

The Web Channel will have a new video every week…  with behind the scenes of how we do what we do and the videos will eventually tie into our current releases… as well as offering you guys something entertaining.

Subscribe to the channel HERE… and check out Episode One Below.


Monday, 8 August 2011



Only a short update this week as we have so much on and so much open. You may recall that a few weeks ago we put out some pictures from the shoot for Subject 7, well this week we continued shooting for the most epic video that we’ve ever attempted. Gathering together all the forces at our disposal we took on the mammoth task that was the second part of the Ninjitsu shoot. We still have 2 parts to go and then you should be seeing the video very shortly after that.


This week also saw us under taking yet another shoot for our good friends in Heavy Fluid Addicts, these guys have helped forge a large part of what Mycho is, and even have their song ‘Flies’ featured on Creepsville which will be out later this year.  It was strange experience for the team to shoot a very different video to anything we’ve under taken before. You can check out some stills below.

You can read more about the shoot and some other cool stuff at The World According To MJ Dixon


Thursday, 28 July 2011



This week saw us heading to the famous Studio 81 Tattoo Parlour in Preston for a shoot with our friends Joe Public and Si Smith for their video Last Breath. The video features Joe having the name of the track tattooed on himself and we were there not only to capture the action, but to shoot a music video whilst he was having it done. One of the craziest videos we have ever shot and it was quite an experience for us all. Check a picture from the shoot below.


This week also saw us shooting a new episode for our upcoming project. We still can’t say too much but yes, there are yet more ninjas, more action and more awesome from Mycho Team and there will be lots more where that came from in the next couple of weeks so please stay tuned as something big is coming.
One again you can check out a couple of preview stills from Episode 2 below.

With pre production on I’ve Got Better Things To Do Tonight Than Die still going on as well as several more awesome things in the pipeline from here on in we plan to keep you guys very entertained. 


Monday, 25 July 2011


Its been almost a year since we last worked with Revolter and this weekend saw us returning to the Blackburn based band to shoot the video for their second single from their debut album ’17 Days’.  You can check out the stills from the shoot below. Check out the band HERE.


Wednesday, 20 July 2011


This week sees the beginning of something very special brewing in the Mycho Universe, without giving away the big surprise there is a lot of cool stuff headed your way this summer from us here at Mycho Pictures.

We have begun shooting on our secret project that will change the way that we do things here at Mycho Pictures forever… so stay tuned. But in the meantime, we have left you guys a preview of what’s to come. So check out the preview pic below.

Other than that we are still moving forward with videos for Subject 7, Sa-Da-Ko, Revolter and Joe Sutton at present and also working on Pre Production for our latest feature later this summer.

As the next month goes by we will be revealing more about what it is that we’re up to so be sure to keep checking back.


Sunday, 10 July 2011


With everything going on in the last few weeks, we had totally forgotten about our entry into this years Virgin Media Shorts. A few weeks ago we had decided to enter the competition and had come up with an idea for the two minute run time. That idea was, of course, WishMaker.

In the end we had 3 days to pull the whole thing together from scripting to completion, which in the end was quite a challenge for what seemed to be such a complex idea to fit into 2 minutes. But we had set the goal by that point and weren’t willing to back down.

We had scheduled the film into one day, but due to several problems it took us about 3 sittings to bring it in, this was a pain as we were already pretty sleep deprived from the weekends shoot and the week of pre production on Sa-Da-Ko before that.

Saying that, all our nearest and dearest stepped up to help and we managed to bring in a fully edited cut and get it uploaded to the Virgin Media Shorts site, only 1 hour before deadline. You can check the film out at the link below from the official website and please leave a comment and share it out.

Up next we have some very big stuff planned, everything in the Mychoverse is about to change for the better and we can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on.


Monday, 4 July 2011


Well after the past couple of weeks we’ve had what with shooting our second feature Slasher House, running Pre Production on a new No Budget feature I’ve Got Better Things To Do Tonight Than Die and working on pre production for our newest short film, it kind of strange that each day we’re never quite sure what we’ll be making, building or trying to acquire for free to go in front of the camera. So it kind of all go really all round, which leaves very little time for rest.


On top of all that we’ve also sat and watched as our very talented team Jonny Raw and Connol Pavey have pieced together a working giant robot scorpion on very little money and resources, and created something that would literally stand up in a Hollywood standard film.

This of course is all part of the newest video we’re shooting for UK Metal band Sa-Da-Ko, long time friends of us here at Mycho. For their video we wanted to really up the game of our productions and we have done just that. This weekend saw the first part of the shoot for their track ‘Forced Evolutionary Virus’.

The video is something really special with one of our best concepts yet, it really will change the game for the whole team here if we can pull it off. Which, of course, you know, we can. Look out for the release of ‘Forced Evolutionary Virus’ in the next couple of months.

In the meantime, check back this week for set reports from our newest short film and get ready for some even bigger surprises coming to the Mychoverse.


Sunday, 26 June 2011


What a week we’ve had here at Mycho Pictures, We finally wrapped on Slasher House, our second feature film, and we really moved to another level with our filmmaking. But in all the excitement there were a few other things that we’ve been up to around the shoot.


Last year we shot the video for Subject 7’s first single Come Out Tonight and now we’re teaming up with the band again, but this time to bring a video to their comedy Ninja/Metal crowd pleaser Ninjitsu. Production began on the video just a mere two days before the Slasher House shoot.
The rest of the video will be back in production in the coming week. So check back at the blog and at the band Facebook page for more pictures and other exciting things that we’ve been working on along the way.


We are also currently teaming up with Sick Ass Metallers Sa-Da-Ko to put together what will most definitely be our most ambitious project yet. As you can imagine they have used our grounding in horror and let us develop a concept so cool that it will blow you mind, more on that in the next couple of weeks.

Things are getting so busy round here it getting hard to have time to write these things, but We will keep it coming as long as you guys keep reading.


Friday, 24 June 2011


Over the last few weeks we had concepted some designs for the final scene of the movie… obviously shooting wise, as the whole thing is shot out of sequence by now.  What started as a drawing of a character that I never thought was a achievable soon became an insane reality thanks to the epic workings of the rest of the team mainly down to Jonny Raw and Connol Pavey putting in the man hours to build the thing.

But what we have ended up with is something amazingly special that, quite honest, rivals a lot of things I have seen come out of Hollywood this year. Right now we had all the raw ingredients to make the scene that pulls the whole movie together, all we had to do now was shoot it.


As usual with shooting in Preston, England, the weather is an issue ALL the time. So no sooner had we arrived on set than it started to rain. Luckily as with the previous shoot, the rain last a very short time and although it set us back we were off and shooting only an hour over schedule.

Again there’s difficulty to say too much without spoiling the film on a major level, but lets say that not only did we get to work with one of the best villains that Mycho Team have created so far and of course we had another opportunity to work with the talented Ailona Lukiyanova in what might have been the smoothest shoot I’ve ever been on.

I finally also got to see Red in the iconic costume that I created for her when I first write the movie nearly 5 years ago. It was an emotional time in many ways and looking at the rough cut today, we have created something that will hopefully change the way low budget films are made forever.

Check out the final stills from the movie below.


I figured, as it was the end of the week and the last of our set reports from Slasher House that I’d take a moment just to wrap this up. Slasher House was never something I though could be achieved the way it has been, it was written to sell to a studio and yet somehow we have managed to get almost exactly to the original vision that imagined that it really has made me think about a lot of things within the filmmaking process.

I can’t thank EVERYONE who has put their time and effort into this film enough, and, it would never have been possible without every single person putting in 200%. You are all amazing at your crafts and this film could not have been achieved without you.

The film will now be going into heavy post and we should see a version of the film later in the year. In the meantime there is much work to do and many things to take care of. So stay tuned as things are getting less quiet around here all the time and we have some amazing s**t to show you very soon.


Thursday, 23 June 2011



After the daytime shoot on Tuesday, which involved ridiculous changes in weather and seating removed from our location, we managed to get through and power on to our next set.

Writing this is difficult as it very hard to say ‘ANYTHING’ with out giving away some major plot twists and turns that will make this film unique. But we’re still all about laying down the clues.


Shooting in our hometown is a very different experience to shooting in an abandoned prison on the Isle Of Man, in some ways it makes it easier, in the fact that we have some of the comforts of home and we know the place so well and where to pick things up if we somehow forget them etc.
But at the same time it becomes very nerve wracking, as we tend to work around friends and people we know and end up drafting them in to help us.

So Tuesday evening we took on the task of creating a large back-story for RED and as this is one of the most important scenes in the movie. What we did realise, however, was that with the right crew around us, we completely upped our game to a level that on this kind of budget we didn’t think possible.

This meant that the whole shoot took a lot longer than anticipated to stay at the quality mark we’d set and this did put a strain on all involved, and a lot of the crew being our friends this wasn’t ideal. But everyone stepped up to the bar and what we came away with in the early hours of yesterday morning was something that will lift the film to whole new level.

With starring turns from Eleanor James, Lissa Coyne and Subject 7 guitarist Kevin Balshen(standing in for a very important character) we managed to make this final stretch of the movie, the best it could ever be.

We also got to shoot a cameo from our Executive Producers the Kevin and Linda Rawstrone, who without, Slasher House would never have been possible. It was great to get them involved and it meant a lot to us to have them appear in the film.

Also look out for cameos from Lee Djandro and Spike Hesketh (who waited for 9 hours to shoot their appearance in the movie)

So check out the new stills below and get ready for your next instalment of the set report tomorrow.


Wednesday, 22 June 2011



This is the first of our daily set reports this week that should take us to Friday. Of course everyone arrived on set officially on Monday and we wanted to have the first report up last night. But as you’ll find Slasher House is a cruel mistress with a will of its own. But moving on.

So yesterday saw us return to set with star Eleanor James to pick up where we left off almost a year ago in the Isle Of Man. Or to be more accurate 3 years ago in the Slasher-Verse where we find out more about whom ‘Red’ was before she found herself trapped in the House.


So today was spent shooting one of the flashbacks that gives us more of an insight into our leading lady. It was great fun, weather and lighting issues aside, we managed to bring a whole new dynamic to the movie and to the character. Tara Farque and Hannah Kearney both stepped in for supporting roles and made it an absolute breeze to shoot.

Its great to back on the set of this movie and we have so many exciting things coming up, but for now here is a glimpse of Red before she was the ‘One Girl’. Tomorrow we'll be reporting more on a super secret character that changes the whole game :)


Sunday, 19 June 2011


Its been nearly a year since Mycho Pictures embarked on a close to impossible project and since we travelled to the Isle Of Man and spent 3 weeks living in an abandoned prison shooting our second feature length production SLASHER HOUSE.  Since then the shape of Mycho has changed dramatically.  Therefore what should have been shot late last year to bring the film to a close has quickly ended up bringing us to this point half way through 2011. But this is one of the many pitfalls of being a moneyless independent film studio.

So because we’re on set this week we thought we would do what we didn’t ever have the opportunity to do whilst we were shooting in the Internet-less prison. Which is update you guys on the shoot daily.  So every day we will have post something from the set and an update on what you can expect to see in the movie and its expanded universe.

So make sure you check back everyday as we get this show on the road and bring Slasher House home.
