Thursday 28 July 2011



This week saw us heading to the famous Studio 81 Tattoo Parlour in Preston for a shoot with our friends Joe Public and Si Smith for their video Last Breath. The video features Joe having the name of the track tattooed on himself and we were there not only to capture the action, but to shoot a music video whilst he was having it done. One of the craziest videos we have ever shot and it was quite an experience for us all. Check a picture from the shoot below.


This week also saw us shooting a new episode for our upcoming project. We still can’t say too much but yes, there are yet more ninjas, more action and more awesome from Mycho Team and there will be lots more where that came from in the next couple of weeks so please stay tuned as something big is coming.
One again you can check out a couple of preview stills from Episode 2 below.

With pre production on I’ve Got Better Things To Do Tonight Than Die still going on as well as several more awesome things in the pipeline from here on in we plan to keep you guys very entertained. 


Monday 25 July 2011


Its been almost a year since we last worked with Revolter and this weekend saw us returning to the Blackburn based band to shoot the video for their second single from their debut album ’17 Days’.  You can check out the stills from the shoot below. Check out the band HERE.


Wednesday 20 July 2011


This week sees the beginning of something very special brewing in the Mycho Universe, without giving away the big surprise there is a lot of cool stuff headed your way this summer from us here at Mycho Pictures.

We have begun shooting on our secret project that will change the way that we do things here at Mycho Pictures forever… so stay tuned. But in the meantime, we have left you guys a preview of what’s to come. So check out the preview pic below.

Other than that we are still moving forward with videos for Subject 7, Sa-Da-Ko, Revolter and Joe Sutton at present and also working on Pre Production for our latest feature later this summer.

As the next month goes by we will be revealing more about what it is that we’re up to so be sure to keep checking back.


Sunday 10 July 2011


With everything going on in the last few weeks, we had totally forgotten about our entry into this years Virgin Media Shorts. A few weeks ago we had decided to enter the competition and had come up with an idea for the two minute run time. That idea was, of course, WishMaker.

In the end we had 3 days to pull the whole thing together from scripting to completion, which in the end was quite a challenge for what seemed to be such a complex idea to fit into 2 minutes. But we had set the goal by that point and weren’t willing to back down.

We had scheduled the film into one day, but due to several problems it took us about 3 sittings to bring it in, this was a pain as we were already pretty sleep deprived from the weekends shoot and the week of pre production on Sa-Da-Ko before that.

Saying that, all our nearest and dearest stepped up to help and we managed to bring in a fully edited cut and get it uploaded to the Virgin Media Shorts site, only 1 hour before deadline. You can check the film out at the link below from the official website and please leave a comment and share it out.

Up next we have some very big stuff planned, everything in the Mychoverse is about to change for the better and we can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on.


Monday 4 July 2011


Well after the past couple of weeks we’ve had what with shooting our second feature Slasher House, running Pre Production on a new No Budget feature I’ve Got Better Things To Do Tonight Than Die and working on pre production for our newest short film, it kind of strange that each day we’re never quite sure what we’ll be making, building or trying to acquire for free to go in front of the camera. So it kind of all go really all round, which leaves very little time for rest.


On top of all that we’ve also sat and watched as our very talented team Jonny Raw and Connol Pavey have pieced together a working giant robot scorpion on very little money and resources, and created something that would literally stand up in a Hollywood standard film.

This of course is all part of the newest video we’re shooting for UK Metal band Sa-Da-Ko, long time friends of us here at Mycho. For their video we wanted to really up the game of our productions and we have done just that. This weekend saw the first part of the shoot for their track ‘Forced Evolutionary Virus’.

The video is something really special with one of our best concepts yet, it really will change the game for the whole team here if we can pull it off. Which, of course, you know, we can. Look out for the release of ‘Forced Evolutionary Virus’ in the next couple of months.

In the meantime, check back this week for set reports from our newest short film and get ready for some even bigger surprises coming to the Mychoverse.
